New to essential oils? Well, today I want to introduce you to Lemon essential oil. It’s an incredibly versatile essential oil that can be used every day for everything from personal care to cooking to cleaning. It’s one of my go-to essential oils for the kitchen because it has so many everyday cleaning uses.
2o Uses for Lemon Essential Oil
1. Gunk Removal
If you have kids, you probably have gunk – that sticky residue left behind from tape, glue, adhesive and even gum. I used 1-2 drops to get out the gunk left over from a bandage on my son’s knee (which would usually take 5-10 minutes of scrubbing to get it off). It literally took about 3-4 swipes and everything was gone. Plus, he smelled great afterwards. It works for grease spots, oil and crayon marks too.
2. Degreaser
Got grease or oil spots on clothes or other surfaces? Add a few drops of lemon essential oil with a mild soap (I like liquid castile soap) to get grease and oil stains out.
3. Carpet Cleaner
Clean your carpets naturally with lemon oil. Just use 10-15 drops in one gallon of water in a carpet cleaner or steamer (I just bought this one and it works great). The lemon oil will help to clean, freshen and brighten carpets.
3. DIY All-Purpose Cleaner
Keep your kitchen and bathroom clean with this DIY All-Purpose Cleaner. Just mix 5-6 drops of lemon oil with about 1-2 cups of filtered water in a spray bottle. Clean and sanitize with to get rid of mold and mildew. And if you need a little extra cleaning power, just add 1-2 tsp of apple cider vinegar to degrease and clean up surfaces.
4. Polish Furniture
In a spray bottle, add 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar to 2/3 cup olive oil. Then add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. It’s the perfect, all-natural furniture cleaner and it smells amazing.
5. Detox Water
Wake up with a refreshing cold glass of water with 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil. It helps to flush toxins out of the body and supports the liver and kidneys.
6. Promote Clear Skin
Got breakouts or oily skin? Use a drop of lemon essential oil to balance oil glands. You can also add a few drops to your favorite moisturizer. Just note to avoid sunlight or UV light within 24 hours as lemon essential oil is UV sensitive.
7. Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Add 3-5 drops of lemon essential oil to a sink full of water. Wash your produce to remove the waxy residue as well as sanitize fruit and vegetables.
8. Air Freshener
Add 5-6 drops of lemon oil with about 1-2 cups of filtered water in a spray bottle to make a DIY air freshener. Spray rooms, closets, cabinets, drawers and even mist on furniture cushions to eliminate odors.
9. Sanitize a Dishwasher or Garbage Disposal
Add 1-2 drops in your garbage disposal. Wait a minute and then turn on warm water to flush out odors. You can also sanitize and freshen up the dishwasher. Just add it to the detergent container and run a load of dishes. Your dishes and dishwasher will smell amazing.
10. Freshen Laundry
Got stinky laundry? Add a few drops to the detergent container of your washing machine to freshen up laundry and eliminate odors. This works great for brightening laundry too.
11. Freshen Stinky Areas
This is one of my FAVORITE uses for lemon essential oil. Just put 1-2 drops on a cotton ball and place in a stinky trash can, diaper pail, dirty clothes hamper (affix to the lid of a hamper), shoe closet, etc. The lemon essential oil helps to freshen the air and eliminate odors.
12. Bug Repellant
Mix 5-6 drops of lemon oil with about 1-2 cups of filtered water in a spray bottle to make a DIY bug repellant. Great for keeping ants, aphids and other bugs away.
13. Cooking
Add a few drops of lemon essential oil in place in your favorite foods that call for real lemons. I believe 7-8 drops is the equivalent of one lemon. Try it out to test for yourself. It’s delicious in a roast chicken, pasta tossed with olive oil and garlic, and even in baking recipes that call for lemon extract.
14. Soft Scrub Cleaner
Make your own DIY soft scrub cleaner for tubs and sinks in bathrooms and the kitchen.
15. DIY Facial
Mix 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil with about 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of water. Create a grain paste and exfoliate your face for a few minutes. Rinse and moisturize with your favorite facial lotion. The lemon essential oil helps to brighten skin and makes it softer. Just note to avoid sunlight or UV light within 24 hours as lemon essential oil is UV sensitive.
16. Deodorize a Room
Add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil to a diffuser to freshen and deodorize a room.
17. Disinfect a Cutting Board
Rub 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil on a cutting board and let sit for a few minutes. Rinse with hot water and wash with a gentle soap (I like liquid castile soap).
18. Instant Lemonade
Make lemonade without the elbow grease of squeezing lemons yourself. Just add 1-2 drops to a tall glass of water with 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Makes one serving.
19. Uplifting Body Scrub
Make your own uplifting and energizing DIY Lemon body scrub to naturally exfoliate skin.
20. Dry Erase Marker Removal
Can’t get out all the dry-erase marker ink off your white board? Use a few drops of lemon essential oil on a cotton ball or cloth and wipe off marker residue. You’ll get a clean, fresh board to use.
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Photo credits: / daffodil